Sunday, September 25, 2016

Frost Delay

The on course weather station just moved north of freezing!  There will be at least a 30 minute frost delay this morning.  With the clear skies the sun should burn most of the frost off relatively quickly. We will work to get the golf course ready for play as soon as possible. 
We apologize for any inconvenience, enjoy what looks to be a beautiful day!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Aerification Update

The rain last week put our approach aerification schedule on hold for the weekend, but at any rate, the golf course needed the rain so we are not complaining!  Today we are finishing up the work on the approaches. 

The plan on the calendar was to complete the agronomic treatments on the fairways this week, but with more rain in the forecast we will shift our focus to get out as much fertilizer as possible before the rains come.  Fertilizing before a rain event in the fall is always a preferable method as mother nature seems to be best at working fertilizer into the soil profile evenly.

Fortunately, the long range forecast predicts that we will have good weather next week for greens aerfication and we should be able to get back on schedule by the end of the month. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Wet Weather and Wildlife...

The golf course has been soaking up the rain well, staying relatively firm with minimal wet spots.  We will still be allowing golf carts on the course today, but please use cart paths when available.  In addition, the grass is not the only thing loving the wet weather.  We have seen this bull moose around the property the last couple days, and as summer turns to fall it is likely we will see more wildlife in the coming weeks... So please be careful around the wildlife and wet spots and enjoy the golf course!

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Frost Delay

With overnight lows similar to yesterday we are looking at another frost delay this morning.  We expect to be delayed one hour today.  The first tee time will be at 10:00 am, but we will work to get you all on the course earlier if possible.  Please check with the Pro Shop for the most up to date frost delay information.

Thank you.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Hard Freeze

Last night was our first hard freeze of the fall with our weather station recording an overnight low of 25 degrees Fahrenheit on the golf course.  Temperatures are still below freezing but slowly climbing.  We are hoping to be able to get the first tee times off by 10 am, but please be prepared for a frost delay of an hour or more.  Please contact the pro shop for the most up to date frost delay information.

Thank you.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

No Frost... Again!

The last few nights mother nature has been good to us with relatively warm temperatures and no frost!  I hope everyone has enjoyed the early morning weather lately... However, we all know that the seasons are beginning to change and the forecast looks like we will have some cooler temperatures next week.  As is standard practice to account for the increased frequency of frost and the increasingly darker mornings starting tomorrow the first tee time will be at 9:00 am.  Throughout September the first tee time will gradually move later week by week as it is relatively certain that weather in this month is uncertain.  Please check with the pro shop for the most up to date tee time information. 

Stay safe and enjoy the holiday weekend!