Monday, May 30, 2016

Happy Memorial Day

A special thank you to all of our service men and women! I hope everyone has a wonderful day on a golf course, next to a bbq, or simply with friends and family!

Thursday, May 26, 2016

National Golf Day in Washington D.C.

Last week I was fortunate enough to be invited to attend National Golf Day in our nation's capital as part of the "We Are Golf" coalition.  Members of the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA), PGA, USGA, and other allied associations met with members of Congress on Capitol Hill on May 18th to discuss various issues impacting the golf industry.  I have been volunteering for the GCSAA's Government Affairs Committee as a Grassroots Ambassador which pairs members of Congress with superintendents from their respective states in order to give a voice for the various issues affecting the golf community.

After meeting with Senator Barrasso (pictured above) and Senator Enzi sharing coffee, doughnuts, and ideas with other Wyoming constituents it was on to check out the National Golf Day exhibit in the Rayburn Foyer (I was curious if the Republicans or Democrats had a better swing...)

In the afternoon, I finished a busy day with a wonderful meeting with Representative Lummis (pictured below) who was kind enough to talk with us despite coming down with a malicious cold the previous day.   It was very rewarding to find that our Wyoming representatives hold similar views on the issues that concern the golf industry but had not fully realized how their work has or could benefit our industry.  Thanking them and sharing how the game of golf benefits our environment and so many people around the country was definitely the highlight of my day!
My thanks goes out to all the members of Congress who took time out of their day to meet with us, and many thanks to my staff at home for covering for me on the golf course!

New Blog for the Jackson Hole Golf & Tennis Club

Welcome members, guests, employees, and fellow golf enthusiasts to the new (and hopefully improved) blog for the Jackson Hole Golf & Tennis Club!  My name is Jeff Jensen, the golf course superintendent, and this will be the current and future home for golf course news... at least as I see it... whether it be a heads up on a long frost delay, current course conditions, future projects, or the latest wildlife sighting.  I am looking forward to "blogging" early and often so put this link in your favorites and check it out anytime!