Sunday, May 13, 2018

Winter Recovery Update...

This past week we finally saw soil temperatures in the upper inch of the root zone creep above 50 degrees Fahrenheit.  In addition, dandelions are blooming and many deciduous tree species in our area are finally starting to leaf out.  Mountain bluebirds are pairing up and seeing robins flying around is becoming more common...  all this adds up to a spring that seems to be about two weeks behind schedule... if Mother Nature keeps a schedule?!

As you can see from the photos above many grass seedlings are starting to emerge in many of the damaged areas. Please do your best to avoid unnecessary traffic in these areas which could damage the tender young grass plants.  But if you happen to be playing a shot in one of these areas, go ahead and take a fat divot and be generous with the sand and seed mixture... that helps too!
The turf maintenance team will be spending this next week vertical cutting the damaged areas again in addition to applying more seed and fertilizer.  After this round of treatments, some of the worst areas may still require some extra attention.  These are predominantly were the cross country ski trail ran during the snow covered months.  We plan to spot aerify these sections when we go around with our second approach aerification of the spring.
Happy Mother's Day!